Guido Friebel holds the Chair for Human Resources at Goethe University, Frankfurt. After completing his degree of economics at the University of Bielefeld and his Ph.D. at the Université Libre de Bruxelles he held positions at the Stockholm School of Economics, and at the Toulouse School of Economics (EHESS).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

His research fields are institutions and organizations, in particular, HR management, the design of incentive systems, hierarchical and team organizations, gender issues in organizations, and problems of irregular migration. He collaborates with organizations in field experiments (RCTs) in order to test theories and to investigate how increasing efficiency can go along with better pay for employees and higher job satisfaction. He also has a number of projects on how digitization is changing the HR work of firms.

He is a Fellow of CEPR and IZA, one of the founding members of the Committee for Organizational Economics in the German Economic Association,  a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Sciences Po in Paris, and member of the Board of the Society of Institutional and Organizational Economics (SIOE). He is also Co-Managing Editor of The Economics of Transition.

Recent papers:

“Market Competition and Effectiveness of Performance Pay: Evidence from the Field" (co-authors Matthias Heinz, Pooyan Khashabi, Tobias Kretschmer, Nikolay Zubanov), forthcoming Organization Science.

"Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover and Performance: A Long-term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain" (co-authors Matthias Heinz and Nick Zubanov), forthcoming, Management Science.

"Crime and Education in a Model of Information Transmission" (co-authors Darwin Cortes, Dario Maldonado), Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.​

"Incentives to Discover Talent"  (co-authors Tobias Brünner, Richard Holden and Suraj Prasad), revised and resubmitted, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 

"Gender Differences in Social Interactions" (co-authors Marie Lalanne, Bernhard Richter, Peter Schwardmann, Paul Seabright), forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

"The Long-term Consequences of a Pay Change" (co-author Miriam Krüger), invited for resubmission, Journal of Labor Economics.

"What Do Employee Referral Programs Do? Measuring the Direct and Overall Effects of a Management Practice" (co-authors Matthias Heinz, Mitchell Hoffman, Nick Zubanov), invited for resubmission, Journal of Political Economy, NBER Working Paper 25920.

"The Effect of Announced Downsizing on Workplace Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain" (co-authors Matthias Heinz, Nikolay Zubanov), IZA Discussion Paper No. 9739.

"Flexibility, Specialization and Individual Productivity: Evidence from Call Center Data" (co-author Levent Yilmaz).​

"Human Smuggling and Intentions to Migrate: Global Evidence from a Supply Shock along Africa-to-Europe Migration Routes (co-authors Miriam Manchin, Mariapia Mendola and Giovanni Prarolo), CEPR Discussion Paper 13326.

Selected publications:

Team Incentives and Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain
" (co-authors Matthias Heinz, Miriam Krüger, Nick Zubanov), American Economic Review, 107 (8), 2018: 2168-2203.

Resisting Moral Wiggle Room: How Robust is Reciprocity?” (co-authors Michael Kosfeld, Julija Kulisa, Joël van der Weele), American Journal of Economics, (Microeconomics),  vol. 6, 2014: 256-264.
Media Slant against Foreign Owners: Downsizing” (co-author Matthias Heinz), Journal of Public Economics, vol. 120, 2014: 97-106.

Parental Leave: A Policy Evaluation of the Swedish Daddy-Month Reform” (co-authors John Ekberg, Rickard Eriksson), Journal of Public Economics, vol. 97, 2013: 131-143.
Resource Allocation and Firm Scope” (co-author Michael Raith), American Economic Journal (Microeconomics), vol. 2, 2010: 1-33.
Smuggling Humans: A Theory of Debt-financed Migration” (co-author Sergei Guriev), Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 4, 2006: 1085-1111.
Abuse of Authority and Hierarchical Communication”, (co-author Michael Raith), The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 35, 2004: 224-44.
Career Concerns in Teams” (co-authors Emmanuelle Auriol, Lambros Pechlivanos), Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 20, 2002: 289-307.

Guido Friebel 
Goethe University Frankfurt   
Faculty of Economics and Management